Far too many marketers believe that having a great quantity of content on their website is the cornerstone to ranking high for SEO and establishing an image as an industry top performer. In practice, this is not always the case, as there is some truth to the adage – less is more.

Too much content, especially unhelpful content, can be detrimental to both SEO and audience perception. After all, neither search engines nor users want to sift through mountains of videos or articles to uncover what’s significant or relevant to them.

Learning how to identify unhelpful content on your bank website is learning about content pruning – an approach that will assist you in reducing your unhelpful content and all the benefits it will apply to your website.


Why Is It Important?

A well-performing content should always be evaluated by output and regularly reviewed by providing relevant information on your bank website and social media channels. Poorly performing landing pages, for example, will have a detrimental impact on every campaign and will be among the things Google highlights while crawling the website.

By identifying unhelpful content, you are simply making more room for high-grade content that elevates the site’s overall quality while fulfilling its main purpose – serving the audience. In addition to this, by identifying content that serves no useful purpose, you can ensure that your link authority will only be moving to pages with value.

A well-performing content will inspire trust for first-time visitors, as well as regular ones, by providing an excellent on-site experience in every aspect. This last significant value is even more crucial to achieve for bank websites that hold an important relationship of trust with their clients. 


How to Identify Unhelpful Content?

Some of the most common signals of poor quality content or thin pages are low click-through rates, pages with high bounce rates, low page views, or short engagement (bounces to another page or quits the site altogether). It is usually a good idea not to ignore them without further analysis.

Identifying these using Google Analytics’ Search Console will take time and effort. When you dig further into the statistics, a high click-rate page may yet have little engagement or a high bounce rate.

One approach to determine whether they are worth keeping is to compare them to lead generation. If 300 users visit the website and look at the page, but no one signs up or uses your services, the page is most likely broken.

Pages per session or how much the visitor moves through your website, average session duration, or how long they remain overall, and bounce rate are statistics that should increase if the problematic pages are removed.


Improving Your Content

Grammatically correct, well-written, content ranks highly on Google – a statement while fairly obvious is still very true. However, this is only the beginning of your journey to improving your content. Also included, different web design behaviors need to be compliant with the overall performance.

Non-text components ought to have text options available – the “alt-text” option on your photos should always be filled in and transcripts for video content or slideshows should always be available.

External links to sites with further information, as well as referrals to your site from other websites, score highly and citing sources are essential for any quotes or opinions utilized in an article.

Remove underperforming content, or if you’ve created a low-quality landing page that continues to generate a significant amount of traffic but isn’t turning into sales, examine it and then revise the information presented.


Final Remarks

To complete the process of having excellent content on your bank’s website, the content should be clearly recognized, and easy to access, and all subsequent postings on a related topic should look comparable to the same piece of cornerstone content. Consider it as the spokes of a wheel, with all paths going to the center article. These internal links assist Google in classifying your original content as an important page on your website, hence enhancing SERPs.

Make sure you’re an authority on the subject you’re writing about and try to position your bank website as one of the authorities to which others refer. If you are knowledgeable about your area, it is simple to write many articles that focus on your specialty and assist market those cornerstone content sites.